APST 215: Introduction  to Graphic Representation is one of two communications courses in the  Bachelor of Science (Architecture) degree program. This course introduces the  basic techniques and drawing systems of graphic representation in architecture.  It is designed to help you develop a process of visualization, analysis,  practice, and representation for the purpose of graphic communication.

APST 220: 3D Modeling, Digital Representation & Presentation is the second of two communications courses in the Bachelor of Science (Architecture) degree program. This course introduces manual techniques of modeling and design and integrates computer aided drafting technology to support these techniques.

APST 230 introduces the characteristics and applications of construction materials, examining building systems, assemblies, components, and materials. The course develops a framework for the analysis of building materials, identifying their characteristics; exploring their impact on the environment and resources, as well as on occupant health; and examining the impact on them of environmental factors.

APST 240 studies basic structural concepts including types of forces, equilibrium, reactions, the strength and materials through an analysis of their shape and the impact of loading on structural members with respect to their shape, deflection and movement. This study will be based on the analysis of determinant structures.

APST 340 will familiarize students with the detailed considerations of structural design, including quantitative load, stress and strain analysis, structural member design and most importantly the requirements set by the codes on design and construction of different types of structures.

APST 350: Applied Architectural Sciences introduces the scientific basis underlying the design, analysis, and evaluation of the building envelope as a separator of different environments. The purpose of this course is to link theoretical knowledge to applications in practice. This approach will support an increase in evidence-based practice.

APST 470 focuses on the application of building science principles to the design of building enclosures. It examines various elements that act to mediate between the interior and exterior environments, both above and below the ground, in manners appropriate to their intended function and performance.

APST 480 provides an overview of the fundamentals of the design of mechanical systems for buildings. This discussion will include the relationships between building envelope design and mechanical system design, particularly with regards to sustainability, energy use and human comfort. Basic components and equipment involved in mechanical systems will be discussed, as well as their place and integration in the development of design concepts. An understanding of mechanical system terminology and an elementary knowledge of sizing procedures and system controls will be developed.

Architecture 200 examines the principles and ideas that shaped architecture and cities in the Ancient and Medieval worlds from about 3500 BCE to about 1400 CE. You will first examine how the principles of the Ancient World were altered after ca. 600 BCE in Classical Greece, Israel, Persia, India, and the Americas, and how the climax and collapse of the Ancient world can be read in the architecture of the time. Then you will examine the principles and ideas that shaped buildings and cities both by and for world religions from ca. 300 CE to ca. 1450 CE.